Saturday, 4 May 2013

In 1997 I went to this beer festival

The place: Wiveliscombe, Somerset. 
The festival: Westfest, autumn 1997 I think. It was held annually for several years, at the local school. I rather enjoyed it, especially as Wivvy is rather a nice little town, surrounded by hills.
I think I drank a lot of Exmoor Beast and at the festival the previous year I had met Jim Laker, the man behind the beer, a beer I still enjoy a lot; he sadly died later that year.
However, I had been to the US the previous summer and spent a fortnight feasting on beers from Cambridge Brewery, Ipswich, Harpoon, Portsmouth and various other New England joys. Never such innocence again. 

1 comment:

  1. Strange to recall how revolutionary Summer Lightning and Schiehallion seemed at the time. How things have moved on in the brewing world!
